Well, just a week to go! We got our addendum to our homestudy yesterday - all our paperwork is done and waiting by the door. I started packing tonight & should have my carryon bag all put together tomorrow. Now we are just waiting for a couple of boxes of blankets that we are taking for Love Without Boundaries and Angel Covers - the 2 cases of cleft bottles arrived earlier this week. It seems odd - everything actually seems to be falling together fairly well. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something vital! Or maybe after doing this 3 times it is getting easier!
I am posting this picture because it has always been something that I have tried to avoid at all costs. Through 3 trips to China, my 12 hour bladder has been good to me and I haven't had to use a squatty potty yet. These will probably prove to be famous last words for this trip. Oh well, what is life without adventure!!!!
Instructions for a squatty - there are places for your feet on each side, you squat facing the raised portion and the wire basket is for the paper - Chinese plumbing can't handle tp - also notice that there is no tp - you have to bring your own!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Through the Years!
Ok, I admit it - I am addicted to slide.com! These are just too much fun to put together! The kids are getting a kick out of seeing themselves too.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Two More Weeks!
Well, only two more weeks to go! I've been going through our list and checking things off - we have passports & visas, new money, copies of dossier, copies of taxes, new power of attorney, tickets and itinerary for inside and outside China travel, medicine, I signed up for Skype and hooked up our microphone - so now we are just waiting for an addendum to our homestudy to take with us and a couple cases of cleft bottles that we are taking for Love Without Boundaries. I have started packing. I think I will pack up my carry on backpack first - I can put a couple changes of clothes for both Bailey & me in packmates and have them with us in case anything happens to our luggage. We have always had good luck and I am sure we will this time too - especially since we are going direct from LA to Beijing. Not alot of places to lose our luggage!
Bailey is starting to get excited about traveling to China. I will go see her teacher next week and get her a file of homework to take with us. I think I will go to Walmart this weekend and see about getting Bailey & Emma a couple of cheap digital cameras. That way they can take their own pictures and we won't have to develop a bunch of bad pictures - can just download them onto the laptop and pick out which ones they like best to send for copies.
Bailey is starting to get excited about traveling to China. I will go see her teacher next week and get her a file of homework to take with us. I think I will go to Walmart this weekend and see about getting Bailey & Emma a couple of cheap digital cameras. That way they can take their own pictures and we won't have to develop a bunch of bad pictures - can just download them onto the laptop and pick out which ones they like best to send for copies.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Darla's Challenge
Ok - here are my answers to Darla's three thing challenge!
My family, my friends, living in the country
My Mom -the way she used to be, my friends who are far away, dancing at the Cap!
Mean small minded people, Losing things, Shoes that hurt my feet
Rod, my kids, Stuart McLean
Something happening to my kids or to Rod, phone calls in the middle of the night, little voices in the middle of the night saying they have poopie on their pjs
Papers, Itinerary for China Trip, crayons
Make a difference, grow old with my husband and family, advocate for orphans around the world
Spin, knit, remember odd bits of trivia
Follow a recipe, spend $50 for any piece of children's clothing, change the time on my cell phone!
Chinese, Mah Jong, how to be a calmer parent!
Losing touch with friends, My misspent youth!, Not starting adoption 20 years ago!
Anything from Rod's smoker
Little House on the Prairie, Wild Kingdom & Disney on Sunday Nights
My family, my friends, living in the country
My Mom -the way she used to be, my friends who are far away, dancing at the Cap!
Mean small minded people, Losing things, Shoes that hurt my feet
Rod, my kids, Stuart McLean
Something happening to my kids or to Rod, phone calls in the middle of the night, little voices in the middle of the night saying they have poopie on their pjs
Papers, Itinerary for China Trip, crayons
Make a difference, grow old with my husband and family, advocate for orphans around the world
Spin, knit, remember odd bits of trivia
Follow a recipe, spend $50 for any piece of children's clothing, change the time on my cell phone!
Chinese, Mah Jong, how to be a calmer parent!
Losing touch with friends, My misspent youth!, Not starting adoption 20 years ago!
Anything from Rod's smoker
Little House on the Prairie, Wild Kingdom & Disney on Sunday Nights
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Great quote from the movie Parenthood: [Gil has been complaining about his complicated life; Grandma wanders into the room]
Grandma: You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Gil: Oh?
Grandma: Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!
Gil: What a great story.
Grandma: I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.
This just kind of sums up how we are feeling right now - frightened, scared, sick, excited and totally thrilled!! Oh what a ride this whole parenthood thing is and here we go again!!!
Grandma: You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Gil: Oh?
Grandma: Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!
Gil: What a great story.
Grandma: I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.
This just kind of sums up how we are feeling right now - frightened, scared, sick, excited and totally thrilled!! Oh what a ride this whole parenthood thing is and here we go again!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
LWB Cleft Nutrition Video
Emma isn't cleft affected - her special need is nystagmus. It is an eye condition where the eyes move back and forth rapidly. We don't really know how bad it is or how it is affecting her vision. The reports that we have vary when they describe it and the personal reports we have from people who have met her are that her vision is ok. For those who don't know our sons as well, both Ben and Ethan are cleft affected. They both had surgery on their lips while they were still in China and will have to have surgery on their gumlines sometime in the next couple of years. We are very grateful that they were both so well cared for while they were still in China. Ethan lived with a foster family and Ben had a very special nanny that took him home with her at night. They were two of the very lucky ones. There are thousands of cleft affected children in China who haven't been so lucky but organizations like Love Without Boundaries are working to make a difference. We are going to take cleft bottles to China with us for the orphanages in Anhui. It isn't much for us to do - just get them on and off the baggage carousel but it is one small baby step toward making that difference that might someday make all the difference in the world to a baby and a family that will love them.
I think this ties into the Daffodil post - what small thing can you do today to make a difference?!
I think this ties into the Daffodil post - what small thing can you do today to make a difference?!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Daffodil Principle
A friend of mine just passed this on to me and I think it is very appropriate for our blog! I remember that first adoption seminar I attended - way back in 2000. I remember meeting JoAnne Bailey for the first time and knowing that this was exactly what we were destined to do but then all these other things that kept getting in the way - we needed to finish our remodel, install central heat, save up the money, etc. Then we decided we would just do it - one step at a time! Wonderful things do happen just one little baby step at a time!
Thanks Evelyn!
The Daffodil Principle
Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. "I will come next Tuesday", I promised a little reluctantly on her third call.
Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.
"Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!"
My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, Mother." "Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading for home!" I assured her.
"But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this."
"Carolyn," I said sternly, "Please turn around." "It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."
After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand lettered sign with an arrow that read, "Daffodil Garden." We got out of the car, each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path. Then, as we turned a corner, I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight.
It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and its surrounding slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, creamy white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, and saffron and butter yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted in large groups so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.
"Who did this?" I asked Carolyn. "Just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house.
On the patio, we saw a poster. "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking", was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and one brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."
For me, that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than forty years before, had begun, one bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountaintop. Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. One day at a time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence, beauty, and inspiration. The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration.
That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time--often just one baby-step at time--and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world .
"It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. "What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years? Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"
My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said.
She was right. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use today?"
Use the Daffodil Principle. Stop waiting.....
Until your car or home is paid off
Until you get a new car or home
Until your kids leave the house
Until you go back to school
Until you finish school
Until you clean the house
Until you organize the garage
Until you clean off your desk
Until you lose 10 lbs.
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married
Until you get a divorce
Until you have kids
Until the kids go to school
Until you retire
Until summer
Until spring
Until winter
Until fall
Until you die...
There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need money.
Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching.
Thanks Evelyn!
The Daffodil Principle
Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. "I will come next Tuesday", I promised a little reluctantly on her third call.
Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.
"Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!"
My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, Mother." "Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading for home!" I assured her.
"But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this."
"Carolyn," I said sternly, "Please turn around." "It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."
After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand lettered sign with an arrow that read, "Daffodil Garden." We got out of the car, each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path. Then, as we turned a corner, I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight.
It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and its surrounding slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, creamy white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, and saffron and butter yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted in large groups so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.
"Who did this?" I asked Carolyn. "Just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house.
On the patio, we saw a poster. "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking", was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and one brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."
For me, that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than forty years before, had begun, one bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountaintop. Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. One day at a time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence, beauty, and inspiration. The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration.
That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time--often just one baby-step at time--and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world .
"It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. "What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years? Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"
My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said.
She was right. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use today?"
Use the Daffodil Principle. Stop waiting.....
Until your car or home is paid off
Until you get a new car or home
Until your kids leave the house
Until you go back to school
Until you finish school
Until you clean the house
Until you organize the garage
Until you clean off your desk
Until you lose 10 lbs.
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married
Until you get a divorce
Until you have kids
Until the kids go to school
Until you retire
Until summer
Until spring
Until winter
Until fall
Until you die...
There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need money.
Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching.
Monday, April 9, 2007
I just saw this quote posted on one of my yahoo groups. I think it is perfect for many different times in our lives: Patience is a hard discipline. It is not just waiting until something happens over which we have no control: the arrival of the bus, the end of the rain, the return of a friend, the resolution of a conflict. Patience is not waiting passively until someone else does something. Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to be completely present to the moment, to taste the here and now, to be where we are. When we are impatient, we try to get away from where we are. We behave as if the real thing will happen tomorrow, later, and somewhere else. Let's be patient and trust that the treasure we look for is hidden in the ground on which we stand." –Henri J.M.Nouwen
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Easter Weekend!
Saturday morning we went to the Lind Park to participate in the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Once again it was like a bunch of little vacuums hoovering up eggs! They use hard boiled eggs for this hunt so we went home and enjoyed some egg salad sandwiches for lunch and then it was off to Lind International Airport for Kite Flying! It hit 76 degrees here this afternoon and a great time was had by all! Good thing it was a slow day at the airport - would have been hard to control the kites with planes taking off and landing every 15 minutes!!!
Sunday morning dawned way too early!! The Easter Bunny came during the night and left lots of goodies in our Easter Baskets. Bailey, Ben, Ethan and Emma all got new pj's, a couple new movies, tiny doodle bears, books from Aunt Melanie & Uncle Dave and of course lots of candy!!! We found a whole back yard filled with Easter Eggs - good thing we hit the yard early - the magpies were starting to circle!!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Travel Information
Well, I think we got our international travel nailed down. We leave Spokane on May 2 at 4:30 pm and get into LA at 10 PM where we wait until 1:40 AM to board a direct flight for Beijing. We arrive in Beijing at 5:20 AM on May 4. Coming home we leave Guangzhou at 9:30 AM on May 18 and arrive home at 8:55 PM on May 18. That will be one loonnnnggggg day! We will have a 3 hour layover in Hong Kong, a 4 hour layover in LA and 1 1/2 hour layover in Seattle on the way home. Hopefully that will give us plenty of time to catch all our flight - last time it took us 2 hours to clear immigration in LA!
Early AM Update
In my 42 years of life, I have learned the value of sleep. We live 2 blocks from a rail line and I have learned to sleep through the nightly trains and even the nocturnal wandering of the kids with their trips to the bathroom or to get a drink just slightly rouse me. I don't think anything has ever brought me as upright and wide awake as having a little voice in my ear at 2 am say - "Mama, I have poopie on my pajamas!" After a bath for Ethan, a complete bed change and a change of nightgown for Mama it was pretty hard to get back to sleep! So what else to do but log on and update the blog!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Consulate Appointment Confirmed!
We heard today that our Consulate Appointment has been confirmed for May 16. We are still waiting to hear from the travel agent but we are expecting to leave on May 2 and return May 17. We will probably be taking a China Southern flight that goes from LA to Guangzhou. It will leave on the 2nd at 11:50 pm and arrives on the 4th at 6:20 am - talk about a loonnnnngggg flight!!! Coming back is much better - we will leave Guangzhou at 9 pm on the 16th and arrive in LA at 6:50 pm - a little over 2 hours before we leave!!!!!
This last weekend we had an Easter Egg Hunt at the Ralston Grange - I missed it with my camera because I had dead batteries and because the hunt was over in just a few minutes! Kind of reminded me of a bunch of little vacuum cleaners hoovering up the eggs! We had lots of fun with the eggs and with the games - then we went to the Tri-Cities to visit Sashi. Wade & Erika helped the kids put together their kites and they flew them in Paul's blueberry field.
I am posting a picture here of my great niece & nephew. Just couldn't resist putting their pictures in as they are adorable!
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