Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wildlife Park

Today we went to the Hefei Wildlife Park. It was very nice. The cages were alot bigger and nicer than any of the zoos that we have been to here in China. They animals looked like they were in better condition also. Emma was very scared at first. She kept asking our guide if the animals were going to eat her! Must have been read some scary fairy tales or something. We think she had an older foster brother that played rough with her and probably told her scary things.
Our guide also took us to her favorite tea shop. We had tried to go there the day before but were pretty hopeless in getting across what we wanted. This time was much easier!!! We tried some wonderful tea and got a couple of packages to bring home. We even got some teapots.
Tonight we went to dinner with the Blackburns - a family from our group. We had our guide write down the names of some good dishes that would be things that we would recognize. The food was very good. I cut dinner a little short as Emma was getting a little loud. We think she used to get her way whenever she whined - so we are working on it!!! We can pretty easily distinguish between her sad cry and her 'I want my own way' cry. Both are getting a little fewer and farther between.

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