Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Blue Ribbon Day!

This morning we had decided to try preschool again with Emma. I took Ethan and Emma to their room - another child was in the room with the teacher working on some pictures on a table. We put our backpacks away and sat down at the table. I helped Emma start a picture and she took it up to show the teacher as soon as she did just a little - then she pushed me toward the door and waved goodbye!!! I checked back in about 10 am and they said that she had a little melt down and cried for just a few minutes but had participated in all the activities of the day. After school, she rode the bus to the babysitters house. When they got there she came running off the bus very excited to show off the bottle of bubbles that they had given her at school! She has been happy and having a good time playing with her brothers and sister all night. We are seeing fewer behaviors - no hitting tonight and just a few pretend kicks. What a difference we have seen in just a few short days!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear she's adjusting so well. I'm sure it was all very overwhelming to her intially.


Unknown said...

Oh, hooray hooray! Glad she went to school - Rod says she's doing great!