1972 - 2007
Christine, this niece of mine, was beautiful. Even as a child, with her gorgeous red hair, her big brown eyes, her delicate skin and her slight southern drawl that made you feel like honey inside. As a child, she loved my pig Abner, knock knock jokes, elephant jokes and ghost stories told while camping out in Grandma’s front yard. She extracted a promise from me that she could be a bridesmaid at my wedding and when she flew across the US by herself to be in my wedding - that made the wedding party complete.
She had a beautiful smile and a kind heart. Its hard to say goodbye to all that youth and beauty. Our hearts are heavy and it really hurts to say goodbye.
My heart feels heavey for you and your family... I too lost a cousin to the same thing... The only thing I can say is maybe she has found some peace, it's so hard on the loved ones left behind because they are always second guessing... Hang in there.. you & your family are in my prayers..
Sister that is beautiful...I remember camping in the front yard and how you and Dot would scare the Hell out of us cousins....she will always be in my heart and my memories of her and our short summers with her will be passed on to the kids. Thank you for the pictures of her, she is soo beautiful and will always remain that way in my mind.
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