Today was a good day. We didn't have to go anywhere or do anything on a timeline. Just one of those great Sundays when you can play and cuddle and nap if the feeling takes you there. I don't know if I like Sunday afternoons so much when the kids take a nap because then they are so much more fun to be around in the evening or if it is because there is nothing that melts a Mom's heart like a warm tossled kid just waking up and cuddling on your lap! I know we won't have too many more years for this so I am certainly appreciating it while we have it!
Today Daddy also made paper airplanes for everyone and we had a great time flying them around the living room and even out around the garage. Ben decorated his all by himself. Talk about having a little fist tightly clasped around my heart! Ben is growing up so fast. Tonight he wanted to help with dinner and he actually did it all by himself. We also got a new Leapster game that is all about spelling. He breezed through the first level in no time. Some days I want to hold him tight and have him stay the cute, funny little boy that we met at the Miracle Hotel almost 4 years ago and other times I can't wait to see him as the wonderful grown up he will be someday.

1 comment:
Oh, isn't that just the best? Chance has decided he is "too old" for Sunday naps, so it has been just Colton lately. And, as soon as Chance started thinking he was too old, I started making sure I made time for those naps again - it made me realize that I don't have much longer left with Colton!
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