Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Happy Peak of The Week!

Tonight I made the most sinful, decadent cinnamon rolls. I used the recipe from the Pioneer Woman Cooks. I think I used up 3 boxes of butter. I am going to be really evil and send a couple in with Rod for Heather & Darla. I think they would count as 2000 points apiece on Weight Watchers!!! I made them to send with Rod to Deer Camp. The recipe made 4 cake pans full - I wonder if there will be anything left after the kids hit them for breakfast in the morning. I should probably send in cards to their teachers apologizing for all the sugar in the morning. Either that or I will give them some Diet Pepsi to go with the cinnamon rolls and send them off with an evil laugh.
My niece Jenni is having surgery tomorrow. We are thinking about you sister!!! We love you - the kids made you a get well card and I have a little pillow you can use as you heal up! Let me know if you want cinnamon rolls! We can whip up another batch just for you.


Melanie said...

1) hugs to Jenni!
2) Have mercy on Julia Child in her eternal kitchen...are you trying to clog all your arteries at once woman?!


Anonymous said...

I made those same cinnamon rolls for a family gathering/weekend we had at our house this summer. Yum, yum, yum! That frosting is to die for!

PS - Rod did not show up with any rolls this morning - I am going to assume he ate the contraband himself, and punish him accordingly . . .

Anonymous said...

Jenni says....bring em on...the cinnamon rolls that is. She doesn't need the pillow anymore. She is feeling better...still gets tired easily.
See you Sunday, we hope!!

Love, Sashi and Jenni and Paul too.